Google Optimize Sunset – Now What?

Just announced: Google Optimize, A/B testing is sunsetting

Talk about a Monkey Wrench!  As if Google Analytics users weren’t busy enough planning their migration to GA4, now Google additionally announced the sunset of Google Optimize.


How much time do I have left?

Experiments will still continue to run until September 30, 2023, but. no further. The news appears to cover all users of Google Optimize, regardless of whether it’s with

  • Google Universal Analytics free
  • Google 360 Universal Analytics
  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

So they really mean it.

Now What?

Don’t just look for a replacement, e.g. via the popular experimentation platforms from OptimizelyKiboKameleoon, or many others they compete with.

It’s a great opportunity to strategize for giving your testing program an extra boost.

Turn the crisis into an opportunity! Combine your new A/B testing platform with a secret sauce ingredient that will help you create successful tests much more often.

Boost your A/B testing program by integrating it with Digital Experience Analytics

If you haven’t been integrating Google Optimize with a digital experience analytics solution such as Contentsquare, this is your opportunity to rightsize the ship.

A/B testing is the stuff of legends. A great A/B test will turn the experimentation team into an instant hero. But too many A/B tests finish flat. After all that effort and weeks of running the test, zero benefit.

So how can the experimentation team be a hero more often? The secret sauce is not a secret actually.

Change the A/B test game during and after testing

Most A/B test platforms integrate with most digital experience analytics providers so that you can understand why a particular test variation won or failed.

During and after testing

  • See heatmaps of variation A vs. B
  • See anecdotal session replays
  • Understand why a test won, and what were the biggest success factors.

Combine this information to create even better tests.

But the real game changer is: Inform A/B test strategy by really understanding what makes customers click

This is where you’ll really make a difference for your program. Use your digital experience analytics to discover what you don’t already know about your customers.

  • Discover user journeys and compare successful vs. unsuccessful sessions side by side

Side-by-side journey analysis in Contentsquare

  • Understand in-page behavior and what. makes customers click, vs. leaves them cold

Side by side Zone-based heatmaps for A/B testing in Contentsquare

What you’ll get is a much better informed perspective on which next A/B tests are most likely to move the needle for your desired conversion goals.

What to look for in A/B testing integration with Digital Experience Analytics

And it’s here that all digital experience products are not equal. Look for the following to boost your A/B testing program while you are deciding on your Google Optimize replacement

  • Ability to compare customer journeys side-by-side so you can discover customer intent
  • Ability to compare in-page behaviors side-by-side so you can discover what makes a successful interaction vs. failure
  • Ability to quantify the business impact of differing in-page behaviors with a click so that you can prioritize which tests to invest in.
  • Ability to import customer segments from Google/Adobe Analytics so you can further refine the groups of customers you are visualizing — based on segments that you’ve already created in Google and Adobe.

Business impact quantification of behaviors and experience problems

Necessity is the mother of invention

This is your opportunity to really boost your A/B testing program. Don’t just stay the course. Right the ship, be a hero more often!

How are others boosting A/B testing success with the help of Experience Analytics?

That’s one of many things you can learn in my brand new book, Customer Experience Analytics.

  • 50 real-life case studies
  • 30 cheat sheets

With a foreword by the one and only Tom Davenport, author of Competing on Analytics and other best selling books.

Published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis, the book can be pre-ordered on Amazon here and now.

Customer Experience Analytics - The book

Buy on Amazon

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