10 Signs Your Company is Stuck in the Old Web Analytics World Instead of Embracing Today’s Digital Analytics

Continuing the question what digital analytics are vs. web analytics, here are 10 things that hopefully don’t describe you or your company.

  1. You think improving business success with mobile and social channels is not part of the digital/web analyst’s job
  2. You think visitors are trying to accomplish the same thing with your site regardless of whether they are visiting by using their PC, their tablet, or their Smartphone
  3. You operate without benchmarks and competitive intelligence that would tell you where you are vs. your peers so you know where you could be
  4. You operate without voice of customer surveys that would show why customers did what they did
  5. You think your job is just to measure, test, and improve content and ad spend using data … when you could also be thinking about decisions and actions that digital data can drive (e.g. by identifying changes in demand, willingness to pay, or individual customer intent)
  6. You think the value with analytics is just in KPIs, reports and tables … not in the underlying data warehouse of customer insight
  7. You think you are just one silo’d channel that your company is running … when digital is increasingly intertwined with every next move customers are thinking about taking with your company’s offerings
  8. You think visitors’ behavior in one session says much of anything … when today the number of sessions between transactions are becoming more frequent (6.8x on average) and shorter and more surgical. The real beef is in identifying what experiences increase customers’ future looking lifetime value
  9. You think of your website as your only digital home and see the rest of the Internet as incoming channels of traffic. Yet, digital marketers increasingly orchestrate off-site interactions as continuations of previous on-site experiences, e.g. via targeted advertising and email that is not only targeted but dynamic (e.g. displays coupons or recommendations that are current at time of opening)
  10. You think customers’ interactions with your digital channels are unrelated to the customer context, i.e. where they are (e.g. using their Smartphone in your store), who they are (e.g. at risk of leaving), and your past history  of interactions (e.g. an email or call center interaction during which customer was pitched a particular cross-sell product)

Bonus: You walk into your office like a shy report squirrel… when you deserve to walk with the might of the 800 pound gorilla that owns the most real time insight into customers in all your company.

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