Local Search: Engaging Customers by Alan See, Berry Network

For the right kind of business, local search is an indispensable opportunity for promoting your offering. With the wildfire spread of smart phones it is also getting that much more play.

Perfect that the next five-star article in the DigitalMarketingOne eBook series is on how to find and engage customers with local search and written by no other than Alan See, CMO of Berry Network, an At&T company. Alan was a speaker in this week’s CustomerThink B2B Summit. He also serves as an associate faculty member for the University of Phoenix’s College of Business & Management.

Doing Local Search justice is getting increasingly hard because, to quote from Alan, Local Search provides: “the ability to promote, but also persuade since most local search platforms include ratings and reviews. “.

In fact the Google / Yelp business models might merge increasingly. So if we don’t pay close attention to how our local brand is represented local search can be as much a liability as it is an opportunity.

Read Alan’s popular article and chime in with your own questions.

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