In Search of a Strategic Framework for Digital Marketing
At the new DigitalMarketingOne, our Founders Council is seeking to design and explore a strategic framework for digital marketing.
Marketing does so many things though and does them so differently at different companies. How do we put all that into a framework that makes sense to CMOs – our target audience?
Luckily, many clever people have thought about that before.
Starting from a Strategic Framework for Marketing in General
The Strategic Marketing Framework presented on (see below) was one of many frameworks that seemed especially appropriate for a CMO audience. It should serve as a great starting point.

It’s just beautiful how this framework:
- Emphasizes that the job of Marketing is much more than just to be the “Hey, make this pretty and send us the leads!” department.
- Is also easy on the eye
Evolving this Marketing Framework for Digital
There are a number of things, however, that are so strategic to digital marketing that they should be better emphasized in our framework. Namely:
1. Interactivity
While digital can’t beat traditional advertising media on reach, its unique strength is interactivity. So, let’s expand the traditional marketing mix’s classic 4 Ps: Product, price, placement, and promotion. Namely, let’s drill open promotion to show just how much is possible within that one P in digital. Let’s add the Ps that are so key to digital marketing: persuasion, permission, personalization, multiple web presences, net-promoters, etc.
2. Ad channels
Rumors of the death of advertising in the digital age are greatly exaggerated: ads are everywhere on the net. But there is an immense amount of unique know-how within each of the digital ad channels. We should call out the most important channels in the framework to do that justice.
3. ROI measurement and optimization
Digital media are fantastically measurable. Optimization within a channel can sometimes even be automated. That creates the illusion that it should be almost automatic to measure overall ROI / returns across digital and allocate your investments appropriately. Not so easy! Therefore let’s add ROI measurement and optimization to the framework explicitly.
The Resulting Strategic Marketing Framework for Digital
Below is the resulting strategic marketing framework with the modifications for Digital.
What do you think?
Does this framework do a good enough job to encapsulate all that goes into measuring and increasing ROI (with marketing initiatives and customer relationships) in digital?
Once we have the framework down, we can proceed to the next step and explore the details with the help of DigitalMarketingOne’ers from all corners of Digital.
A number of folks deserve credit for their inspiring works that went into this framework. Namely:
-, provided the Strategic Marketing Framework starting point
- The idea of the extended Ps for the marketing mix came from Unica’s Yuchun Lee in his keynote at the 2008 Unica customer conference, MIS
- Jim Sterne, eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit, coined the “windows into the hearts & minds of the market place”
- The Eisenberg brothers while at Future Now Inc. developed Persuasion Architecture
- I credit Digitas for the idea of the hour glass shaped funnel since I saw it on a slide of theirs
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